Service Department
The duties of the Service Department include the maintenance of all parks and other Village-owned properties, minor road repairs, street sweeping, snow removal and collection of brush and leaves. The Service Department has four full-time staff and during the fall season, hires part-time staff to assist with various needs and leaf collection.
Service Supervisor
Ben James
513-271-3246, #7
Leaf Collection
Leaf vacuum collection typically begins in mid-October. Simply rake leaves to the front of your lawn near the curb (but not into the street) and the Village will collect these leaves. Leaf season generally ends the third week of December.
Prior to mid-October and/or after the third week of December, leaves must be bagged for pick up. Do not dump leaves in the swimming pool area.
If you do not wish to wait for the leaf vacuum, bag the leaves in brown paper yard waste bags or a can marked “Yard Waste”( bags available at most hardware stores and Kroger) and place them at the curb after 6:00 pm the day before your pick up. They’ll be picked up by Rumpke on the same day your trash is collected.
Limb Collection
The Village Service Department has a scheduled limb collection route to collect branches and large limbs. Limb collection will occur on the *FIRST Monday and Tuesday of each month and the THIRD Monday and Tuesday of each month depending upon your street name. Check the Village calendar to see when your street will be serviced. Branches and trimmings should be stacked in manageable bundles not to exceed 8 ft. in length or 50 lbs (do not place in boxes or cans) and set at the curb, or adjacent to the street where there is no curb (NOT IN THE STREET) after 6:00 pm the day prior to scheduled day; however, items should be placed no later than 7:15 am the scheduled day to guarantee pick up.
Limbs and honeysuckle under 2″ in diameter and smaller than 4 ft. should be placed in brown paper lawn/leaf bags or a container clearly marked as “yard waste” for Rumpke. Residents are cautioned about leaving the limbs at the curb for several days or over the weekend.
Christmas tree disposal — Beginning January 1st and continuing through February, Christmas trees left at the curb will be picked up by the Village and ground into mulch. Please remove plastic bags, stands, and ornaments. Wreaths and/or pine roping containing wire cannot be put through the chipper. It is NOT considered brush. Place wreaths and pine roping in your trash can. Refer to the limb collection schedule for pick-up days.
*If a holiday occurs on one of the limb collection days, then the collection will fall to the following day.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping of Mariemont streets and lanes is scheduled intermittently. Residents, where on-street parking is permitted, are given 24 hours notice to move their vehicles. If vehicles are not moved, they will be towed at the owner’s expense and citations will be issued by the Police Department. This is done is accordance with Village Ordinance 76.07 – Continuous Parking In Same Location. Anyone going on vacation may want to make arrangements to have their vehicles removed from the street or lane.
Removal of Ice and Snow from Sidewalks
While winter can be beautiful, it also poses problems in the area of traffic safety for motorists and pedestrians. Village Service crews work to make the streets are safe for vehicles.
Property owners and occupants are responsible by law to keep the sidewalks that border their property free of ice and snow in the interest of pedestrian safety. The Village’s Code of Ordinances states that within the first 8 hours after daylight, or within 8 hours of the ceasing to fall of any snow, the owner or occupant or other person having the care of any building, premises or unimproved land abutting any sidewalk where there is a graded sidewalk, or a sidewalk graded and paved shall cause the snow or ice to be removed from the traveled part of such sidewalk. Snow or ice shall not be moved into the street gutter when the gutter has been previously cleaned, and in no event shall snow or ice from any area other than the pedestrian walk be moved into the street gutter.
Whenever a sidewalk, or any part thereof along any building, premises or unimproved lot of land shall be encumbered with ice or snow, the owner, occupant, or other person having the care of such premises or lot shall cause the sidewalk to be made safe and convenient by removing the ice from there or by covering the same with sand or other suitable substance. Failure to comply with this section for a period of more than 8 hours during the daytime shall subject the owner, occupant, or person in charge to a fine of up to $50 each day. Please understand this is done to ensure the safety of all residents.
Whose Tree is it?
The Village of Mariemont has been a member of Tree City USA for more than 30 years. The Service Department, which is responsible for the planting and care of trees in the public areas, has received three “Growth Awards”. The Village has a right-of-way on every street. If you are not sure if a tree belongs to you or the Village, please call the Service Department BEFORE doing any cutting or trimming.