Village Administrative Staff
If you have an emergency, please call 911. Mariemont Police Department non-emergency line: 513-271-4089 |
The Village administrative staff assists residents with questions or concerns regarding such items as community-related issues, parks/shelters, trash collection, recyclables, etc. They also operate as support staff for the Mayor, acting as a liaison for Council, working in partnership with the fiscal officers, and serving as an information source for general questions while performing daily office duties. In addition to the above, the administrative staff manages payroll for all Village employees, processes all purchasing as mandated by the State of Ohio Auditor, and works in cooperation with all Village departments.
The following individuals serve the Village as administrative staff:
Joanee Van Pelt – Email
Allison Uhrig – Email
To reach the administrative staff:
- 513-271-3246. option #3
- General inquiries: [email protected]
Quick Links
Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Video Recordings of Council Meetings ICRC