South 80 Trails and Community GardenVisit the Community Garden Facebook Page.

 2025 Garden Plots are now available for purchase. Please read the RULES below, before purchasing a plot(s).  

The South 80 acreage was donated to Mariemont in 1976.  75+ acres along the Little Miami River offer 7 miles of trails, community garden plots, a campsite and Little Miami river frontage.

Garden plots are available to residents and non-residents alike.

I would like to rent one or more garden plots.  Now what? 

You can find out details about renting a plot by emailing the Garden Director.

  • Garden Director — Steve Spooner:
    • A member of the “South 80 Trails, Gardens & Park Advisory Board,” Village of Mariemont resident volunteer Steve Spooner also manages the rental of the South 80 garden plots.
    • email: [email protected]
  • Email the Garden Director to confirm there are garden plots available.
  • Pay for your plot(s) either in person during business hours at 6907 Wooster Pike (checks payable to Village of Mariemont) or PAY ONLINE.


Plots rent by the year with a 25’x25’ site costing:

  • $30 a year for the first site
  • $20 a year for each additional site.

If you already have a reserved plot and would like to pay your yearly fee online please click here.


Click HERE to read the South 80 Community Rules & Regulations.

Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity for volunteers.


Mariemont Trail Map


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