Architectural Review Board
Before any changes can be made to a property in the Historic District, the plans must be approved by the Architectural Review Board. The ‘ARB’ was established in 1983 by a Village ordinance to review proposed constructions, alterations, and additions and to review proposed repairs to signs, fences, and other exterior construction and to review colors of approved painting and roof work within the Historic District established by Council, and to issue or refuse a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed work.
The Architectural Review Board meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Village Council Chambers if there has been a request. Requests for a hearing before the Board must be submitted in writing to the Village Office by the first Monday of the month prior to the scheduled meeting. A notice will be posted if an ARB meeting has been scheduled.
Why does the Village have an Architectural Review Board?
The mission of the ARB is to help maintain a high standard of community development and the principles of town planning, to protect and preserve property, to promote the stability of property values and to protect real estate from impairment or destruction of value for the general community welfare by regulating the exterior architectural characteristics of structures throughout the defined Historic District. It is the further intent of the ARB to preserve the distinctive historical and architectural character of this community which has been greatly influenced by the architecture of an earlier period, as acknowledged by listing of the Village of Mariemont in the National Register of Historic Places on July 24, 1979.