Planning Commission
Before any Building Permits can be approved and issued for a property within the Village, the plans must follow the requirements of the Village Zoning Code. When a proposed project either does not match the zoning district type of use or zoning code restriction requirements, a petition may be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and grant or refusal of the variance application. The Planning Commission may grant the variance application as submitted, grant variance with agreed to modifications, table the variance application for resubmission by applicant or for a future meeting, or deny the variance request.
The Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Village Council Chambers (meetings will be held in the Artifacts Room on the second floor if Mayor’s Court is in session). Requests for a hearing before the Board must be submitted in writing to the Village Office by the first Wednesday of the month prior to the scheduled meeting. Notices will be posted if a Planning Commission is scheduled for that month.
What does the Planning Commission do?
The powers and duties of the Planning Commission shall be to frame and adopt a plan to district the Village into zones and to control and regulate the property setbacks, height, design and location of buildings and other structures and the uses thereof in those zones or districts. From time to time, the Planning Commission may recommend modifications or additions of zones or districts within the Village limits, pending final approval by the Village Council. The Planning Commission also acts as a Zoning Board of Appeals and is delegated power to hear and determine appeals from any decision, including the grant or refusal by the Building Commissioner of building or other permits, where such decision, grant or refusal is based on the requirements of the Zoning Code. The Planning Commission also reviews and makes recommendations for lot splits and lot consolidations, and conversions of multifamily dwellings structures into condominiums for the Mayor to approve.