Building Department FAQ
When is a building permit required?
In general, except for painting, interior decorating, landscape planting and ordinary repairs costing under $500, a permit is required before work may begin.
Are preliminary consultations available with the building commissioner to advise on the
most appropriate response to various codes?
Yes, preliminary consultations are not only available but also encouraged as a way to avoid costly design errors and potential zoning
conflicts. Applicants can simply call the Building Department during normal business hours and schedule an appointment.
How is a building permit obtained?
The first step is the submittal of an Application for Certificate of Plan Approval. Copies may be obtained at the Village office, online at the Village
web site or the Department will mail or fax copies to anyone requesting it.
The application should be accompanied by such documentation as may be necessary to describe in detail the proposed improvement. This could typically include a site plan indicating setbacks, scaled drawings of proposed construction means and methods and list of material specifications.
It is required that the applicant furnish an accurate estimate for the cost of the work, including labor that may be furnished by the applicant. The Village of Mariemont is required by law to furnish this information to the Hamilton County Auditor – such increase in value will be taken into consideration at the time of the next property appraisal. Similarly, any workers who are employed for more than twelve (12) calendar days per year are required to pay Village of
Mariemont employment taxes.
While it is not required to utilize an architect or engineer on “residential” projects (1, 2 or 3- family residences), the submittal documents are required to be complete and prepared using normal drafting standards. Rough sketches are not acceptable. “Commercial” projects are required by state law to be prepared by a registered design professional and signed and stamped.
Three copies of the design documents shall be submitted with the application. There is no “up front” fee required for the review process. After approval by the building department, all fees are due upon procurement of the Zoning and Certificate of Plan Approval.
The Building Department’s goal is a maximum three-day “turn around” time from receipt of application to either a) Issuance of a Zoning and Certificate of Plan Approval, or b) issuance of a Plan Review Letter noting deficiencies or non-compliance with various code requirements.
What items are reviewed during the plan review process?
Compliance with Village of Mariemont Zoning regulations, determination if the property is located within 1 of 7 “Historic Districts” which obligates the applicant to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Village of Mariemont Architectural Review Board for any proposed exterior changes, compliance with all applicable Village ordinances and compliance with appropriate building codes. Landscaping and exterior colors (other than changes proposed for a property in one of the Historic District) is not subject to Village approval. Permanent site features (such as retaining
walls) are not permitted to be constructed in any Village Street right-of-way unless approved by the Planning Commission.
How is the permit fee calculated?
For new construction or remodeling, the permit fee is based on the gross area affected. There is a minimum fee for all work, regardless of area. For other
work, such as replacement windows, roofing, heating and air-conditioning work, a fixed fee is established. All fees are due and payable prior to the issuance of the respective permit. Work that is started without a permit may result in permit fees being doubled.
Are all required permits issued by the Village of Mariemont?
No, the Village of Mariemont Building Department issues the Zoning and Certificate of Plan Approval for both building activity work and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) work (under separate applications). The applicant must apply to the Inspection Bureau Inc. for plan approval review and inspections for all electrical work and to the Board of Health of Hamilton County Health District for plumbing work, as appropriate.
Are there any property maintenance standards in effect in the Village of Mariemont?
Yes, the Village of Mariemont conducts periodic inspections of properties to assure that a minimum level of maintenance is being performed and that properties are not allowed to fall into disrepair. In the event such deficiencies are noted, the Property Owner is notified in writing and given a
reasonable time frame to comply.
How long does it take to process a permit?
Usually the turnaround time is two to three days (unless the project is unusually large or complex).
What happens after the permit is issued?
The applicant commences work. It is important to note that it is the property owner’s primary obligation to assure compliance with the permit requirements. The permit is issued in the name of the property owner. Design professionals, contractors and other trades people employed by the property owner are responsible to the property owner, not the Village of Mariemont.
The Building Department has compiled a list of construction requirements (“Construction Means and Methods” – available online) as an assistance to property owners and contractors explaining what is expected of both parties during construction activities in the Village. Please note that substantive violations of these requirements could result in the issuance of Criminal Complaint (minor misdemeanor) and subjecting the violator to a fine of not more than $150.00 per day the violation remains in effect.
There are typically four (4) mandatory inspections depending on the nature of the work: footing inspection before concrete is poured, rough framing (after electric, plumbing and heating inspections are successfully completed), insulation, and at project completion (final inspection). It is the responsibility of the property owner/contractor to call the Building Department 24 hours in advance (271-3246) and schedule such inspections. The Village building inspector generally makes inspections weekday mornings and afternoons. After the project has satisfactorily received its final inspection, the Village will issue a formal Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance.
How long are permits in effect?
Work must be completed within 12 months of the issuance of the Permit. Two 6-month extensions can be granted when requested in writing to the Building Department.
What are the appeals processes that are available for zoning or building application rejections?
Zoning appeals are made to the Village of Mariemont Planning Commission, which meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm and is empowered to override a rejection by the building commissioner in the form of a “Property Variance.” The fee for the application and public hearing is $50.00. Building Code appeals are made to the State Board of Building Appeals in Columbus, the fee for the appeal is $200.00.
What are the appeals processes that are available for modifications or building applications in an historic district?
All proposed changes or any type of modification, including exterior paint color changes to a property, in the historic district has a strict set of guidelines. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit an Application to the Architectural Review Board for Certificate of Appropriateness for any exterior modifications to the historic district structure(s). The Village of Mariemont Architectural Review Board, which meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 pm, is empowered to approve or reject the request. Upon approval, a Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued by the building department giving permission for the applicant
to now, if required, make Application for Certificate of Plan Approval. The fee for the Architectural Review Board application and public hearing is $25.00.
How may fees be paid for the various application types?
For all application types, the building department only accepts payment in check form made out to Village of Mariemont.