In case of emergency: DIAL 911

Chief of Police and Fire: 

Richard D. Hines

Chief of Police Hines

“We believe in our community and hope that you will find this information to be both useful and informative.

I am extremely proud of the members of the Mariemont Police and Fire Departments. They are held to the highest standards: integrity, honesty, loyalty and the enforcement of the laws and ordinances of the state of Ohio and the Village of Mariemont. Working together equals a community partnership.”

-Chief Hines

Mariemont Fire Department

Non-Emergency phone: (513) 271-3246, option 2

Assistant Fire Chief
Dan Copeland
e-mail: [email protected]

The Mariemont Fire Department offers firefighting and paramedic services for residents of the Village of Mariemont. We are one of only three departments in Hamilton County to have earned a Class 3 ISO Rating.

The Mariemont Fire and EMS staff is comprised of part-time and volunteer firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and paramedics. All personnel are cross-trained in multiple areas. EMTs and paramedics are all trained as firefighters. Many of our members are safety inspectors, hazardous materials technicians, and basic rescue and water rescue technicians. Some members of our fire department are also trained as Public Safety Instructors, *Certified Child Safety Seat Inspectors, CPR Instructors (certified through the American Heart Association) and Certified Fire Investigators (certified through the State of Ohio). All personnel must complete mandatory continuing education required by the State of Ohio for all certifications they hold. Additionally, our staff is thoroughly trained in Disaster Management, Community Fire Defense Planning and Medical Disaster Service.

*NOTE: We are no longer able to offer child safety seat installation. Firefighters/Paramedics must take a special training class to receive certification to install safety seats. With the exception of our Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief, all Fire Department personnel work on a part-time basis and, therefore, cannot be required to take that class as they would have to do so at their own expense.

How We Work

The Mariemont Fire Department work schedule is based on a six-unit concept. Each unit day requires fire and EMS personnel work a 12 or 24-hour shift that rotates on a six-day schedule. All six of the unit days have a Captain or a Lieutenant that manages each shift. The promoted officers have been selected through an additional process that evaluates their experience level, time employed by the Village, scenario assessment, and interview. The staffing for any 24-hour period is made up of a 4 person crew with at least 3 paramedics that are capable of performing advanced life saving procedures and one EMT. Also, at least one member is a promoted officer and another has been cleared to be a Fire Apparatus Operator.

The Mariemont Fire Department staffs one paramedic unit that will respond to any medical emergency and has the capability and resources to give our residents the best treatment and highest level of care to help ensure the best outcome for those in need. We also staff a Quint fire apparatus that offers many capabilities that include aerial operations, ground ladders, a 400 gallon water tank, a pump that can give 1250 gallons per minute, hose for fire attack, extrication equipment, and many other tools carried to provide the best service for our residents and local community.

What We Do
Fire Department EquipmentIn addition to responding to emergency calls, the Mariemont Fire Department offers many services designed to keep our community safe, promote fire safety awareness, and enhance public relations.

In helping to ensure the safety of our community, the Mariemont Fire Department has a Village Disaster Evacuation Plan and an Emergency Operation Plan, both of which have been certified by the Hamilton County Emergency Management Agency. All equipment is consistently checked and maintained to ensure it will be fully operational when an emergency arises.

We have several programs to teach residents about fire safety and help them be better prepared for emergencies. These programs also give you a chance to get to know your Fire Department a little better and allow us to get to know you.

For instance, each Fall, we participate in the Fire Prevention Week program. During this time, the Fire Department visits schools to teach fire prevention and safety. At the end of the week, we have an Open House and Fire Expo at the Fire Station, giving everyone the opportunity to see a firefighting demonstration, experience what it’s like to be in a smoke-filled structure, and interact with paramedics as they explain the equipment they use. There are always plenty of refreshments, too!

Contact us for more information on any of the following services:

  • Free smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and batteries
  • Free CPR classes, blood pressure checks, and fire safety inspections for your home
  • “Shelter-In-Place”
  • Younger residents are always welcome to tour the Fire Station and equipment. We would be happy to bring a fire truck to a child’s party or a block party.


Professional Opportunities

We are always happy to speak with anyone wishing to become a volunteer or join our part-time workforce. If interested, please contact Assistant Chief Dan Copeland.

Click HERE to read the “Outdoor Grilling” rules for multi-family structures (larger than a duplex).

Fire/EMS Resident Committee Information

  • Fire/EMS Resident Committee
    • Click HERE for more information about this committee
  • Kramer & Associates, Fire & EMS Consultants
    • Click HERE to read proposal agreement


As of October 11, 2021, the Fire/EMS Resident Committee has been disbanded by a unanimous vote by the Council members at the 10/11/2021 meeting.


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